Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Leaves Are Gone

Today was the day that I decided to take my sister around town and put together a video of fall. It was full of fun memories and we just kind of chilled out. See, my sister is six years younger than I am so getting along has never really been our thing. But today we adventured around to see the beauty of fall where we live and we did it to entertain ourselves for a few hours.

If you can't tell, I really love fall. But its become that time where all the leaves are falling off of the trees, which means winter is approaching. But I'm okay with that too.

Just thought that I would give you an update on the current levels of happiness. I'm pleased to say that they are through the roof. Just to give an example; the football team is going to state. I'd say that's amazing considering they lost by 49 the first game of the season. I'm excited that my senior year has been like this so far. I got rid of the people in my life that made me miserable and upset, which was extremely hard, let me tell you, but totally worth it.

I also have found that I love taking pictures. I love my camera and walking around finding things to take pictures or videos of. I find inspiration on YouTube of people who do amazing work and are some that I look up to.

That's all I have for this post, hopefully sometime this week I'll have another with something that actually has some sort of content and interest. Please, please, please check out my video! You can find it here.

Have a wonderful week, my lovely readers!

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Fall is among us. It's full of haunted houses, bonfires, apple cider, carmel apples, and the colors of it all are amazing. The bright reds, oranges, yellows and even the dulling of the green trees of summer. It's a beautiful thing, so I went out and took some pictures of it all. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Well...This is Awkward

Okay. So I know that I have been completely MIA. This past month has brought the most intense part of my sports season and the end of it all. So that has meant school work and sleep. Then on the weekends sleeping in until noon and then meeting up with my friends.

A lot of good has happened in these past few months. There have been a lot of memories made in these past few weeks. Late night Village Inn breakfasts, 3:30 movie sessions, Homecoming and so much more. This is when I decided to live life and kind of disconnected with the blog.

So instead of having this be kind of a hassle on top of the millions of other things I had to do, I gave up. But I'm going to keep up with it. I'm going to start blogging, a bit more sporadically than what I was doing, but blogging anyways. Things are going to be shaken up here a little bit, which I think is amazing. It's kind of like a reinvention of what the blog was.

So I guess this is another welcoming to the blog, a new start.

Welcome to my life, re-blogged.