Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 18 and 19: Weekend Madness

The weekend was spent driving back and forth between my home and my cousins place. Babysat all day Saturday, which was actually so much fun. Baked cookies, painted nails, watched a movie and played with small children. It was quite the adventure.

Today I went golfing with a couple friends, then got brunch. Yes, it sounds fancy, but I went in Nike shorts and a t-shirt. Not fancy, I promise. Then went to my cousins for dinner.

What really excited me today was the rain/storm. I pulled out my camera and made a little video. I would appreciate it and love you forever if you checked it out. You can find it here.

I don't really have a lot to blog about. The past days have just been spent with family. Which is always the beset thing to do, if you ask me.

Weekend conclusion: My family is awesome and I wish I could spent every day with them.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day 17: Golf Peace

Okay. I feel like it's a given that I'm always going to miss blogging on Fridays. Yes I am a busy person, this much I know. I am truly terrible, if you must.

So I'll recap yesterday for you all.

Got up, went to school, came home, went to golf.

Quite boring isn't it?

Well going golfing has turned out to be quite peaceful. Until you invite along someone who is really quite loud. But that's what makes it fun. People that are fun to golf with are usually stellar people in general. They are ones who know to let things go and generally, they know how to have fun.

Yeah so that was yesterday. I went out last night, to karaoke, but I would rather leave that to the imagination.

As of yesterday I realized that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and how you feel. Sometimes a conversation isn't one that you want to have, but in the end, events turn and things are even better than to begin with. Also, I respect how people that I know can have a conversation, and not yell, cuss, or throw punches, like mature adults (?). It resolves things a lot better than when someone says something they will regret later on.

Just a food for thought.

Day 17 conclusion: Always speak your mind in a mature manner.

My "White Girl Radio" Jam

You're welcome for this information. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 16: Throwback

I really miss Florida. I miss the palm trees, warm weather, the ocean, but most of all how close I was to my best friend while we were there. Anyways, this is me reminiscing about a good time had by all. This is my throwback, because, after all, it is Thursday.

Well today was the first of my last golf meets this year. Quite bittersweet, but we got burgers afterwords. To be quite honest, I didn't do so well, but hey that's golf for you. Golf is one of those things that is a love-hate relationship because you either do good, which makes you happy, or do really bad which can ruin your day. It's just one of those things that you have to do to really understand what I'm trying to say there.

So I think I'm going to include songs at the end of my posts, when I have songs to share. As cliche and cheesy as it sounds, music really does make me happy. It can change my mood around or, if I want to mope, go exactly with what I'm feeling. So here my song for the day.

Day 16 conclusion: Golf and music are happiness.

Younger (Kygo Remix) 
Seinabo Sey

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 15: Bun Mania

Bun mania?

Yes. That's my day in a nutshell.

I measured my hair the other day and it's almost 3 feet long. Thats absolutely insane. It was another rainy day here which means FRIZZ. For me frizz=sack on top of my head. I'm actually a little scared to take it out because my hair is going to be crazy.

Yeah. So. Um.

Today was a complete 360 from yesterday. That's how life works I guess. It was better, but I still am overwhelmed by school, so hopefully that changes into not being overwhelmed by school, ya feel?

Okay. Sort post, but I will say I don't do a whole lot everyday so sometimes this is how it's going to be!

I leave you with my favorite song at the moment.

Have a wonderful day, loves.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Day 14: Rough Waters

It was a terrible day. Like absolutely terrible. Within the top 2 worst days of my life ever.

But this is apart of the journey, right?

I will tell you why it was a terrible day. Little things happened here and there but the biggest thing that happened today? A $200 speeding ticket that's what.

Wonderful right?

Trying to be optimistic here, but that made me grateful for my parents. They didn't get mad or yell. It was just a learning experience. My dad just said that I have to take STOP class. Then he proceeded to laugh because of the irony of having two bad days in a row. Me a person who is never late to school, and has only been late to class a few times in my whole high school career is late to school by two hours and late to 6th period by 20 minutes. Then proceeds to get a hefty speeding ticket fine.

This is what life is about. Ups and downs. Hopefully this means I will have many more good days to come. I really hope and pray that tomorrow is better. I already feel better than I did around 4:30. I can thank my mom for that. She said to just relax and not worry about anything, which is another reason I am so grateful for my parents.

Then, after talking to multiple people, I realized that this happens to so many people and that I should take care of it and move on. That's what I plan on doing these next few days. I'm going to strive and work at making the day better.

Day 14 conclusion: Don't speed in a school zone.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 13: Blogging Corner

This is what I have referred to as the new "blogging corner". Can you tell that I'm a little excited that I finally have a laptop?

Anywho, let's move onto the day.

The usual happened; you know just woke up about 2 hours late and showed up to school at 10:30. That was extremely wonderful (no that's not sarcasm, I missed the first two periods of my day). I was a little upset because I usually do laundry at night then dry it in the morning. Being as I was running late, that didn't get done. Wearing clothes from freshman year to school WHAT UP.

Also, team pictures for school sports were today. That was all sorts of interesting. After getting made fun of by a particularly insecure volleyball player, who had nothing better to do than insult the necessary polos golfers must wear, there was many laughs shared.

This was quite a short post, but I haven't really accomplished much today. It's been kind of a crazy Monday.

Day 13 conclusion: Surrounding myself with laughter is better than surrounding myself with the sound of people whining.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day 12: VMA Shenanigans

To prepare for the VMAs one must:

  • Wait all day with major anxiety because the excitement just can't be contained
  • Search Tumblr and Twitter for what's going to come
  • Watch Teen Wolf a day early because it's awesome
  • Get as much food as possible to hibernate for the hours on which the award show is on
  • Have as much social time because once the VMAs are on, there is no talking
This is how I have spent the day. Searching Tumblr and Twitter for artists and musicians alike, hashtags, pictures, videos and more to be completely aware. I love awards shows because it's really an amazing thing how all the singers, writers, content makers ect. can come together for one thing and celebrate the achievement of others. Obviously, the VMAs are a little crazier and unorthodox compared to the Grammys, but I love it all the same.

Just for a recap, I'm going to show my favorite moments from last years VMAs, in pictures. 

Taylor Swift can't go to an award show unnoticed. She also isn't very graceful in accepting that things aren't going to be her way all the time. Yes, you are going to see ex-boyfriends on stage. Not completely normal for everyday people like you and me, but still it's not odd to see and ex in public. I thought it was quite hilarious how, shall we say, rude she was when One Direction was on stage. 

All I have to say next is Lady Gaga is one of my favorite celebrities because she is a true individual. She doesn't care what people think and is open about her opinions. She stand up for those who are either too kind and polite to do so for themselves or cannot stand up for themselves.

Justin Timberlakes performance. WOW. It was amazing and was the best performance that I have ever witness. Applause for him. It was a long, strategic, well planned performance that I will always remember from this day forward.

Also, let us not forget the best part of the night; NSYNC comeback. GO JT GO. 

Day 12 conclusion: The VMAs are bomb. Favorite award show hand down. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Day 11: Sunsets

Since my last post, nothing has happened. Not going to lie, it was quite boring from that point onto now. I did have an amazing experience today though.

While at the park, I noticed the sun setting. It was absolutely beautiful. Of course, I didn't have my camera with me, so I used the old iPhone photography method of picture taking. 

This is beauty. This right here is what life is all about. It's all about the little moments trapped within either big moments, bad situations or daily life. Making time to notice beauty is exactly what I am going to try and do from now on. It just so happened that I was at this pond, by a park, at sunset today. I believe that there is a reason for it too, whatever that reason should be.

Day 11 conclusion: You really do have to look for beauty, but when you find it, it's worth the searching.

I also made a Tumblr. Click here to go check it out. 

Day 9 and 10: LATE

Yes I am quite aware of the fact I missed two days in a row. It has been crazy busy. But there have been new developments in the world of blogging here. As of this moment, I finally have a laptop. That means no more arm wrestling with my family for the computer anymore. And that means I shall not (unless otherwise stated) miss another day!

I can tell you right now what exactly happened those past two days, but that's in the past. So we are starting with today; Day 11. I usually don't blog until late at night so I get the full day into one blog post, but two in one day isn't bad if it ends up being necessary, right?

I have been asking for a laptop for about 6-7 months now and it finally happened. I am so grateful that my parents decided that I needed a laptop to work on for school (once again, two college classes one of which is completely online). Now begins the repayment stage of which I need to come up with a substantial amount of money that I do not have. But, hey, that's all apart of growing up and becoming an "adult".

That's all I have for right now. I might be posting more late tonight, just because I did miss two days.

I will be back, with pictures and a more normal blog post later today, hopefully.

Conclusion: I need to stay on track with blogging.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Day 8: Radiating Positivity and Good Vibes


That's how my day went. Yesterday and today are stark opposites.

I tried to be my own light, as I like to now refer to it as. I am being my own...everything, I guess you could say.

If you really must know, positivity is easy to achieve and I found that it actually made my day better. Talking to someone I don't normally speak to and giving them a TRUE compliment (no fake ones because I feel that's rude and conniving), is all it takes to change your day and someone else's.

I also realized today that by simply waking up and doing my makeup and combing my hair (my hair is extremely long, so therefore, I don't do it) it can make you ooze confidence and positivity today. Looks aren't everything, but they help make you feel good when you know you look good.

To be honest, nothing happened today. It was the true definition of "your average day". Woke up, went to school, came home, did homework and am now blogging.

Today I am making it about you. What do you like? What makes you happy, without fail? How was your day?

And I come bearing a challenge:
Make someones day. Give them a compliment. Let the kid who usually sits alone sit with you. Create laughter everywhere you go.

This won't be a regular thing, it's just something I tried for today. And it made me feel good. Making others feel important, special or noticed who usually are in the shadows is always a good feeling.

This was a weird post, I know, but this is how Day 8 of my 100 days went.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 7: Struggles

All aboard the struggle bus!

Life got complicated today; sorry no pictures to stimulate your mind. It was a busy day, kind of good, kind of bad. The day was perfectly fine until I got home around 7. High school drama has officially started, right along with fall sports. My afternoons are now absolutely manic.

I really struggled today to be happy. I put out a good exterior and acted the same but in my head I just wasn't wanting to be. I wanted to be in bed, possibly eating, watching Teen Wolf. I searched all day for a piece of happiness to share with you all, but it just wasn't there. Then I thought to myself, that's okay. This shows that you're not going to be happy all day everyday. This makes these 100 days real. We all struggle with things that we can't control, and that gets to us. This isn't suppose to be all rainbows and unicorns, there are demons, some large and small, to be dealt with. They don't have to be YOUR demons, but they are demons, none the less. This isn't a easy thing to do. I have been struggling to be happy all damn day. It's hard. I try my best, but I'm not always going to be happy. 

I leave you all with this:
You're not always going to be happy, but that's fine. Try to be happy; that's what matters.

Day 7 conclusion: I won't always find happiness, but that's apart of the journey.

This is the song that has been stuck in my head all day. Take a listen, but listen really close. 
It might just change your perspective. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Day 6: Mundane Monday

Not going to lie, today was average. Nothing good happened, nothing bad happened. So this makes me think; what can I do to MAKE the good happen? I decided to go through my favorite things, like a kindergartener.

While looking in my room I came across the book that changed my view on a lot of things in life. "Looking For Alaska" changed my perspective on death and life. It is a sad book, mainly because John Green has a knack for that, but it has been a favorite of mine for over a year now. It just is a reminder that things could be worse, even though that's not a main theme in the book.

Seashells. Summer. The beach. Always a good reminder. These particular seashells were found snorkeling in the Gulf of Mexico this past July. They are a constant reminder of the good times that I had in Florida with my best friend and family. The broken sand dollar is actually my most favorite item in my room. These are only three of the many I collected while in Florida, I have a whole jar.

Vans are my favorite shoes. Period. On anybody. Guys, girls, small children. I just love them. My vans have been through quite a bit (again another memory). They've been in Texas, a rainy muddy country concert, and the first day of senior year. They hold a lot of value.

Day 6 conclusion: Certain things hold certain happiness. This may not be interesting to some, but it means a lot to me.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 5: Complete Boredom

I hate lazy Sunday's. There I said it. "Lazy Sunday" to me translates to "boring". But I tried my hardest to make the most out of it.

I started the day, again with some pancakes, then sat down and blogged Day 4. I figured that today would be kind of quiet and peaceful, trying to keep a positive outlook. It took me all of about 3 hours to become extremely bored. I became one of "those people" who sat and tried to watch TV. Then I did homework, which lead to cleaning my room, which then lead to doing laundry. I danced around and tried on outfits for the week and then it was only 45 minutes later.

As my parents left to go golfing (I declined due to a nasty facial sunburn), I decided to watch an old movie, particular favorite of mine when I was a child. What was this movie? Mrs. Doubtfire. In recent light of the passing of Robin Williams, I thought it was only appropriate to bring out the old VHS tape for a resurrection to end my boredom and to pay homage to the great actor and comedic Robin Williams.

My mother then called me, in the middle of watching said movie, and asked what I wanted for dinner. I think the answer is pretty clear; Chinese food. I love Chinese food. This made my day, along with my extremely optimistic fortune.
"Investigate new possibilities with friends. Now is the time!"

Just to throw in what I have been looking at on the web, as I find it's important because I love it so much, is I think it's brilliantly designed and written. I love stuff like that so if there are any blogs/websites/YouTube channels you find interesting, comment them because I would love to check them out!

Day 5 conclusion: I need to find more things to do on Sunday to make a better blog.

Day 4: Glamping

Go to "glamping" outfit
To say the least, yesterday was perfect. I was out on the lake, attached to a jet ski the majority of the day and ended up eating a large pepperoni pizza. The reason, for you information, it's called "glamping" is because I stay in an air conditioned house on wheels, not a tent.

Started off the day with pancakes, then a nice shower (which if you know camping, you know showers are never nice). A friend that was camping with us brought out jet skis. So obviously my best friend and I decided to take a jet ski around the lake. And this wasn't any old jet ski, it was the fastest jet ski this company has on the market. Which meant there were a few wipeouts on the lake. Then, there was tubing. I only went once because tubing isn't my forte in water sports, the rest of the time I rode on the jet ski. And of course the one time I wiped out, I lost a contact. But it was a lot of fun watching these people getting thrown off the tube and having it flip, so on and so forth.

Later in the day, after we were all sunburnt and sore, there was food. And not just any food, sweet corn, lemon bread, ribs, pork, cheesy potatoes, all the comfort food you could possibly want in life. So for a good two hours, there was a lot of eating and conversation floating around a small picnic table. I guess you could say some great memories were made yesterday.

This is were the part about making my own happiness and all comes into place.

There was a little bump in the fun for me yesterday, some things didn't go as planned and I was left quite angry for a while. After a conversation with my mom, I decided that sitting at home watching a movie would suffice for the night, I mean I was worn out from the day. But then things became better, after a little nap at 9 o'clock, and all was good.

I ended a great day with watching G.B.F and a large pepperoni pizza with my two best friends. I'd say that that was the perfect closure to a perfect day.

Day 4 conclusion: I should have been on the lake all summer and sometimes you have to do your own thing and make YOU happy before others.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 3: Aztec, Rain, and Willow Trees

Usually I don't blog until before I go to bed. This way I get all of my day in my head with no exceptions. Today, though, I am not going to be able to do such. I will be in a place with no internet connection, tonight and tomorrow night. Which means that I won't be able to blog AT ALL tomorrow. Don't fret; it will be published! Just on Sunday morning, then Sunday night day 5.

Let's move on from the boring and into the nitty gritty.

Unexpectedly, at least for me, it began to rain today in school. Well not in the building, but outside, of course. I am a sucker for rain; I love it. The playlist I listen to on 8tracks at night is a rain remix one of the chillest songs. So the rain put me into a great mood today. But as of now, it's starting to get hot and muggy outside because of the rain, which I don't like.

Aztec print has really never been something I wore. I just thought it became extremely mainstream and I don't really follow stuff like that. I have my own style, I mean the only jewelry I wear is earrings. I am not an extremely flashy person when it comes to accessories. I did fall in love with this cardigan-type shirt from Charming Charlie's that is aztec to wear specifically for the 4th of July. But I am not the kind of person that buys something to wear once, because I am not made of money that's for sure. You can't argue that when you look good, you feel good.

Alright, I am guilty of being one of those people who leave school early. I am, it's true. I don't have to stay the whole eight hours. So what do I do during those extra moments I don't spend at school? Well today I came home, with a large chocolate shake because I hadn't eaten lunch, sat outside with my dogs and just vegged out. In my backyard, there is this huge 13-ish foot willow tree. My dogs were running around it while I just got all movie-philosophical and looked at this tree. For the first time, I noticed the true beauty of the tree itself and how cool it looks.

Day 3 conclusion: Aztec print CAN be a good thing, rain always is a good thing, and willow trees are more mesmerizing than I previously thought.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 2: Gatsby?

Sitting in school today, it became quite clear that I was not going to be able to not do homework as I have done in previous years. There was no avoiding it, especially when the teacher says the word "homework". I actually don't hate homework that much. GASP. It just depends on how much I have to do compared to how much time I have to do it.

There is an interesting tidbit of my day that goes along with said "theme" here. My Spanish teacher showed us a video today in class (not in Spanish, it was a man who was Australian) about living above the line. When she tried to explain this concept that has been tied to success, for some reason I kept thinking of the poverty line (which has no relevance here).

Basically, living above the line means that you choose how to spend your day. People who live below the line blame others for their problems, are usually in denial and complain. People who live above the line take responsibility and are POSITIVE. Can you guess who's more successful??

Anyways, the point I was trying to make there was that's what these next 100 (now 98) days are for me; trying to live above the line.

Okay, now I'm back on track here.

I have been listening to Grizfolk since March. It started with "The Struggle", then I caved and bought their whole EP. Which wasn't like a album, I get, but I never buy a bands whole anything; album, EP, whatever. I was listening to said EP while doing homework. I tend to tweet out my favorite songs just so I can go back and see what I liked two years later (thanks timehop). I tagged Grizfolk in this tweet and, lo and behold, they actually favorited it. Yes, they have 4,000 some followers, but it's a major accomplishment for me. It made my day.

Also, I read "The Great Gatsby" for like the hundredth time today. Reading books while looking at the sunset is one of my favorite pastimes at night; its quite calming. I also am guilty of re-reading my favorite books just because it's a terror to start a new book. I like to skip to the good parts and read on from there. Terrible, I know.

Day 2 conclusion: Homework isn't a terrible thing, music and Twitter go hand-in-hand, and Gatsby is a must after starting school. Life is full today.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 1: Senior Year Begins

It's official. Senior year has began. The first of all the lasts to come. And I am so excited to begin.

Today was Day 1. The day that is over, and I will never have back. It's quite surreal to me at the moment. So is the fact that I am actually a senior; not because I'm at the "top of the food chain" in high school, but because I GRADUATE this year.

What was happiness today? It came in the form of a backpack. Yes, a backpack. A backpack, mind you, that is very spacious AND has it's own cooler. This means that I don't have to have an actual lunchbox anymore!

Nike "Legend" Backpack - $50 Scheels
The first day back is always a whirlwind and quite exciting. I can tell you right now, I am also not the senior that is coasting by this year. Taking two college classes, a science class, plus math and 4th year Spanish is a big load. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

I found pure joy in seeing people that I haven't seen since May, my teammates, and the senior class of 2015. Happiness comes in the simplest form of a conversation with someone new, someone who's just an acquaintance or someone who has become distant.

Day 1 conclusion: Being social and talking to people give me a certain joy.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Start

This is the beginning. Well, technically tomorrow is, but today is when it started. 100 Happy Days. 

I am sure everyone has seen this on Instagram, but I have no interest in posting 100 new pictures. I have decided to blog about 100 days of pure happiness. This way I am forced to elaborate and think. Plus, I know I would get lazy and complacent on it and just hashtag everything with no explanation. 

I know there is question begging to be answered; am I unhappy? No. I am happy. But I think that I could be happier, so I have decided that instead of relying on others to make me feel happy, I'm going to find and be my own happiness. 

With senior year comes lots of changes, stress, sadness and joy. I want to remember all of it and I am terrible at journalling, I've tried. So why not try a blog? 

Hope this is something enjoyable for everyone involved. Welcome to my new journey and my last year of being a true kid.