Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day 17: Golf Peace

Okay. I feel like it's a given that I'm always going to miss blogging on Fridays. Yes I am a busy person, this much I know. I am truly terrible, if you must.

So I'll recap yesterday for you all.

Got up, went to school, came home, went to golf.

Quite boring isn't it?

Well going golfing has turned out to be quite peaceful. Until you invite along someone who is really quite loud. But that's what makes it fun. People that are fun to golf with are usually stellar people in general. They are ones who know to let things go and generally, they know how to have fun.

Yeah so that was yesterday. I went out last night, to karaoke, but I would rather leave that to the imagination.

As of yesterday I realized that sometimes you have to stand up for yourself and how you feel. Sometimes a conversation isn't one that you want to have, but in the end, events turn and things are even better than to begin with. Also, I respect how people that I know can have a conversation, and not yell, cuss, or throw punches, like mature adults (?). It resolves things a lot better than when someone says something they will regret later on.

Just a food for thought.

Day 17 conclusion: Always speak your mind in a mature manner.

My "White Girl Radio" Jam

You're welcome for this information. 

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