Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 2: Gatsby?

Sitting in school today, it became quite clear that I was not going to be able to not do homework as I have done in previous years. There was no avoiding it, especially when the teacher says the word "homework". I actually don't hate homework that much. GASP. It just depends on how much I have to do compared to how much time I have to do it.

There is an interesting tidbit of my day that goes along with said "theme" here. My Spanish teacher showed us a video today in class (not in Spanish, it was a man who was Australian) about living above the line. When she tried to explain this concept that has been tied to success, for some reason I kept thinking of the poverty line (which has no relevance here).

Basically, living above the line means that you choose how to spend your day. People who live below the line blame others for their problems, are usually in denial and complain. People who live above the line take responsibility and are POSITIVE. Can you guess who's more successful??

Anyways, the point I was trying to make there was that's what these next 100 (now 98) days are for me; trying to live above the line.

Okay, now I'm back on track here.

I have been listening to Grizfolk since March. It started with "The Struggle", then I caved and bought their whole EP. Which wasn't like a album, I get, but I never buy a bands whole anything; album, EP, whatever. I was listening to said EP while doing homework. I tend to tweet out my favorite songs just so I can go back and see what I liked two years later (thanks timehop). I tagged Grizfolk in this tweet and, lo and behold, they actually favorited it. Yes, they have 4,000 some followers, but it's a major accomplishment for me. It made my day.

Also, I read "The Great Gatsby" for like the hundredth time today. Reading books while looking at the sunset is one of my favorite pastimes at night; its quite calming. I also am guilty of re-reading my favorite books just because it's a terror to start a new book. I like to skip to the good parts and read on from there. Terrible, I know.

Day 2 conclusion: Homework isn't a terrible thing, music and Twitter go hand-in-hand, and Gatsby is a must after starting school. Life is full today.

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